Ready Time:  -  

Preparation Time:  -  

Cooking Time:  -  



The Dough



  1. Preheat oven to 195°.
  2. Place Flour, Yeast, Sugar and Salt in the mixing bowl.
  3. Using the dough hook, mix for thirty seconds on Knead (lowest speed) to incorporate the ingredients.
  4. While continuing to mix, pour in the water and knead for 5 minutes. 
  5. Remove dough and divide into two. Transfer dough’s to well-oiled trays and allow to prove for 20 minutes.
  6. Knock back the dough and gently flatten by pushing dough to the edges of the tray. Allow to prove for another 20 minutes
  7. Gently knock back again by pressing your fingertips into the dough to create an uneven surface. Sprinkle the herbs and salt over the top, and drizzle liberally with olive oil. Prove for 30 minutes. 
  8. Cook for 20-25 minutes or until golden and crisp. Allow to cool for 5 minutes and transfer to a wire rack.